Friday, November 20, 2009
I am getting better at this!
Today i feel sooooo depressed! I work all day trying to keep the house up and you would never tell i even lifted a finger. It seems as soon as you get it all picked up it is time to make another meal and the house goes downhill one more time. I told Nate i am not cooking anymore:) He then goes on to tell me it will get better as the children get older and can help more. Then i talked to my sister 5 minutes later and she said you better get used to it because it doesn't get any better :( She would know she has 3 kids. Sooooooo depressing and tiring. Well i better get out of my slump because the longer i sit here the more the dishes and laundry keep multiplying.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Miracles Do Happen
If you are reading this I thought for sure everyone had given up on me ever updating this thing. It has only been 1 year since i have done this. A lot has happened around here in the Waters household in fact it feels to overwhelming to catch you up on it all so i will scratch all that and start new. If you haven't heard Nate and I are moving to Greeley, Colorado in the beginning of January. Nate and his dad will drive the truck out on the 3rd and my mom and I will fly with the kids on the 5th. Nate will be attending Air Traffic Control school for 1 year. We decided with the way the economy is this will be a better route for our family since it is so hard to get a position as a pilot. We are excited and sad at the same time about our new adventure together. We haven't ever lived without family nearby since we have been married, and are hoping this will bring us closer together. I will sure miss all the help that we have had with the kids! And all the great friends we have made here. Zoe will be turning 2 in December and is full of energy. She is always laughing and smiling (with an occasional tantrum :) )She loves Dora, Elmo and her baby brother. She is saying new words each day and becoming more independent by the minute! She also loves to color, play outside and help me cook. She is a great big sister and quite the little helper whether it is putting stuff in the trash, vaccuming or dusting. Very cute but time consuming. Jaxton is 8 months old now. Just cut his first 2 teeth, crawling everywhere and very busy. He is the happiest baby I know. He is never without a smile. He has such a sweet spirit about him that really adds to our home. He is amazed by his big sister, and soaks in her every move. As for Nate he is busy working, going to school, playing soccer, with an occasional late night of gaming with the guys on XBOX of course. Me I am working 2-3 night shifts a week, and cleaning up after these 2 little ones. I am pretty tired these days but it sure is worth it. Here are some cute pictures of the last little bit!

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