Anyway we are doing really good and loving our new life in Colorado! Nate is doing an amazing job in school and daily surprises his instructors at how well he is catching on. He is pretty much amazing. This move has really brought us closer together and I know our life will be forever changed for the better because of it.
The kids are getting so big so fast. Zoe is getting quite the vocabulary. Here are some of my favorites:
"Where is that son of mine".
In front of the whole music class:
teacher: Hi Zoe
Zoe: HI, (with her hands in the air) cause we don't have much money!
At the fabric cutting counter at Wal-Mart with a lady behind us and the lady helping us: Mom are you going to spank my bum?
"Mom, come to my boutique."
"MOM MOM MOM hurry come quit (quick in Zoe's language) rescue me."
"Come on Jaxton lets solve a mystery!"
"I don't wanna take a nap, I wanna be a puppy."
Mom: Zoe come lay down and get your diaper changed
Zoe: say please first
They have a lot of fun together! Our next adventure is the kids and I leave for Minnesota on Monday to visit my sister. The catch is I work Friday, Sat, Sun and get no sleep before the plane ride. It should be interesting.
In my not so spare time I have managed to accomplish some things I am very proud of. My mom helped me make a flannel board when she was here and I have become addicted to finding and tracing all sorts of pictures for the kids. They love it. Our First FHE lesson we did on the family, and they took turns picking out the different people I colored out of their new Halloween buckets, which was the best $1 I think I have spent. They play all day walking around with those buckets putting different toys or whatever they find in there. And of coarse coming up to me and saying trick or treat and I give them a few candy corns. I also put my quiet book I have been working on together. I can't say finish because I have plenty more ideas I want to do. I made it on rings so I can add or take away as I wish. This is my biggest accomplishment. I have wanted to make one of these as my laurel project ever since my first niece was born, and that was 12 years ago!. I think it turned out pretty darn good since when I started this I didn't even know how to tie a knot in the thread, thanks Rachel. I taught myself how to thread and use my sewing machine, with a little help from my mother-in-law. I am so excited to keep adding to it and making Jaxton one of his own. The kids will play with it for the first time on the airplane.
Thank you for reading my rambling! I have to admit I often read your blogs and feel so inspired that I often feel weary of writing on my own. Thanks for all your talents and inspiration to life and motherhood. And most of all your honesty! I hope all is well with you and would love to hear from whoever still checks this thing!
Back to work I go!
zoe is hilarious haha
they're so cute!
you don't have to post pictures every time. you could do catch-up posts every so often and throw some pics in there.
congrats on your book
You guys sound like you are doing so good! Im so happy for you! Oh I miss little Zoe in my class she is so dang cute! No cribs is one sad day! Sorry about that! At least they are getting out to play with each other, it will be kind of cute to think about ten years.
So good to hear from you! I am glad all is going well, Nate is kicking trash at school and you are working~
You talked about your cute flannel board and quiet book, I must see pictures now! :) I am making quiet books for M & K, they are a lot of work.
Yay for an update! Glad life is going well! Enjoy fall for us up there!
Nate added the pictures after I posted. Pics of the quiet book coming soon!
So glad to hear you guys are doing well... miss seeing and talking to you guys....
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